There’s no such thing as a free lunch. If you want real quality advice for your investing, you need to pay for it.
Too many investors look to find the key for their investing success on television programs or free websites. While there is a lot of great free advice, only you know your own personal situation and your willingness to take risks. When I started investing in property I read piles of books and magazines, watched all the relevant television shows, browsed article after article on the internet and pored over Saturday newspaper supplements. I formed my own strategy and set about investing, marching to the beat of my own drum.
What I didn’t realise was that I was losing money left, right and centre! My finances were a mess and I didn’t even know it. A few years ago, in an effort to broaden my knowledge, I visited a broker who specialised in brokering property investors’ loans. For a small sum, she helped me streamline my accounts, reduce my tax and, best of all, decrease my monthly repayments by over $1000!
Better still, she opened my eyes to ensuring all my investment affairs were being property looked after. The lesson to be learned here is to ensure all of your affairs are in order and delivering you the optimum return. If they’re not, do some research and find the professional who can help you. Wherever possible I’ll see a professional who has been personally recommended to me by someone I trust. So check your investment affairs now. If you’re not sure whether they’re delivering maximum benefit, consult an expert! And don’t be afraid to pay – it might be the best small sum you ever spend!
Wow, what a great website. Its great to read similar stories to my own and have picked up some great tips and have only just begun to read each section. Thanks for the informative information that has been put in to laymen terms. Looking forward to reading more.