Mark: The concept of leveraging good debt to invest.
Tiffany: Put all my savings into an offset account against my loan.
Serina: Leveraging your money: make your money work for you. Is my money working the best way it could be for me?
Kerrod: No one is going to care more about your money than you! The way to become wealthy is spend less than you earn and invest the rest.
Nicole: Start as early as possible.
Kelly: Best advice is “just get started”.
Karen: Jump in now. Why wait as there will always be a reason not to.
Cameron: Don’t waste all your money on your first car, invest in a property (from the old man).
Den Overberg: There will never be a perfect time so might as well do it now.
Jane Slack-Smith: Success does leave clues—listen to what successful people has done and apply it to your situation
Jill McIntyre: Learn how to leverage from the strength and power of the team around you
Matt Jones: Property investing goes hand-in-hand with personal development
Jane Eyles-Bennet: Get a coach—someone who has done what you want to do.
Brendan Kelly: Success doesn’t come from one single event of one epic secret. It comes from a series of small things that you do consistently over a period of time
Jo Chivers: Acquire assets instead of liabilities
Nicole Slade: Mindset is the most important thing. And just be in the game. The longer you stay on the sidelines, the further behind you’ll get.
Nhan Nguyen: Think big and start small
Lisa Parker: Choose a strategy, be good at it and just keep doing that strategy.
Mastermind Jo: Use your money to buy an asset that will create a string of income for you.
Kaz: If nothing changes, nothing changes. Become a goal setter and write down your goals.
Quick tip and action
Write down something from this episode that really resonates with you, stick it up somewhere that you will look at it often.
Congratulations on reaching 100 episodes Kaz. Your podcast inspired me to take on a property development which is now on the market. Thanks and best wishes for the next 100 episodes.
Congratulations on reaching 100 episodes Kaz. Your podcast inspired me to take on a property development which is now on the market. Thanks and best wishes for the next 100 episodes.
Wow, good job you! Hope the sale goes well!