Feature – Best Advice

  • ListenersEPI-Birthday

    • Stuart: Invest in your own knowledge first.
    • Mark: The concept of leveraging good debt to invest.
    • Tiffany: Put all my savings into an offset account against my loan.
    • Serina: Leveraging your money: make your money work for you. Is my money working the best way it could be for me?
    • Kerrod: No one is going to care more about your money than you! The way to become wealthy is spend less than you earn and invest the rest.
    • Nicole: Start as early as possible.
    • Kelly: Best advice is “just get started”.
    • Karen: Jump in now. Why wait as there will always be a reason not to.
    • Cameron: Don’t waste all your money on your first car, invest in a property (from the old man).


Everyday Property Investing - Den
Jane Slack-Smith
Jill McIntyreMattJonesJane-Eyles-BennetBrendan Kelly
  • Den Overberg: There will never be a perfect time so might as well do it now.
  • Jane Slack-Smith: Success does leave clues—listen to what successful people has done and apply it to your situation
  • Jill McIntyre: Learn how to leverage from the strength and power of the team around you
  • Matt Jones: Property investing goes hand-in-hand with personal development
  • Jane Eyles-Bennet: Get a coach—someone who has done what you want to do.
  • Brendan Kelly: Success doesn’t come from one single event of one epic secret. It comes from a series of small things that you do consistently over a period of time
  • Jo Chivers: Acquire assets instead of liabilities
  • Nicole Slade: Mindset is the most important thing. And just be in the game. The longer you stay on the sidelines, the further behind you’ll get.
  • Nhan Nguyen: Think big and start small
  • Lisa Parker: Choose a strategy, be good at it and just keep doing that strategy.
  • Mastermind Jo: Use your money to buy an asset that will create a string of income for you.
  • Kaz: If nothing changes, nothing changes. Become a goal setter and write down your goals.
Jo Chivers of Property BloomNicole SladeNhan NguyenLisa ParkerScreen-shot-2013-06-26-at-11.44.58-AMKaz Young

Quick tip and action

Property investing advice
  • Write down something from this episode that really resonates with you, stick it up somewhere that you will look at it often.