Barely a month since we shared with you the culmination of our Mackay purchase case study with one of our Property Zest clients, we’re back with another buyers agent client who’s willing to share his investing journey with the EPI community.

Luke is no newbie when it comes to property investing. A husband to Lisa and father to 2 children (aged 8 and 6 years), he knows what goes around the world of investing, having been investing in property for some time now. In the past 15 years, he has bought and sold several properties. He currently owns his principal place of residence and two NRAS properties—one in Northern Suburbs of Adelaide and another being built off the plan in Sydney.

During our initial consultation, it was evident that Luke’s equipped with loads of information on Australia property market—information he got from listening to podcasts and reading magazines about investing.

Now this is one thing I noticed on investors who tap the services of a buyers agent: they are those who know how investing works and recognise the advantage of having someone find vital information they need and do the legwork for them, saving them the time they could be spending with their family.

In Luke’s case, he works as an aircraft engineer and is settled in Adelaide. Realising that buying a property in Brisbane while juggling family life and his career could be a tough task. Having a goal set, he just needed someone who will work with him towards meeting that goal; something a buyers agent is capable of doing.

The Goal

Luke’s intention for this purchase is to have a property that would provide long term growth that could hold in his self managed superannuation fund. He has no target location yet but having been a follower of the investing market, he has set his prospects in Brisbane, Moreton Bay/Redcliffe area, Toowoomba, Gladstone, Townsville, Mackay, Roma, Emerald and Rockhampton.

With those wide choices, we clearly need to narrow down the list and clarify Luke’s buying criteria. Tune in to the next installment of this series to find out how we went about doing this.