This episode is all about you (ok, it’s a little bit about us particularly at the start) but it’s mostly about you, the listener!  We tackle a few of the listener questions sent in over the past few weeks and do our best at providing some general advice based on our experiences.  Of course, as we always say, we’re not accountants, lawyers or financial advisors – we’re just Kaz & Den having a chat, so always go and talk to a trusted professional to get advice for your specific circumstances.

Things we talk about:

  • Property development
  • Turning your home into an investment property
  • Which investment vehicles to purchase property in
  • Getting your partner or spouse on board with property
  • When is a location going to boom
  • Buying investment property in the dodgy end of town
  • Save yourself a few hundred dollars on professional advice by sending in your property question for our upcoming expert interview with Noel May, expert accountant extraordinaire from Noel May and Associates!