What’s news


  • Mastermind Jo on selling a development site
  • Kaz on knowing what’s important to prioritising   


Brendan Kelly



Quick tip and action

  • Have a spreadsheet or a quick calculation that you become very familiar
    with so that you can quickly and easily assess what you need to assess
    to know whether a property deal is suitable for to spend more time on.

A Special Request!

I’m putting something special together for our 100th episode (which isn’t too far away) and I need your help! Send me an email or a message on Facebook and tell me two things:

  1. What is the best piece of advice you have ever received that relates to property or wealth creation?

  2. What is the thing that you most want to know about or learn more about related to property or wealth creation?

One lucky contributor gets a pack of 3 property investing books! Entries close 14th August 2014.