What’s news


  • Mastermind Jo on selling a development site
  • Kaz is back in the game—buying a renovator in SMSF!   

Feature – Conveyancer, Jeff Amos

jeffrey-amos_print_2112 We speak with conveyancer, Jeff Amos, all about contracts – both before and after you sign!

  • Cooling off
  • Finance
  • Building and Pest
  • Quotes
  • Other conditions you have included



Quick tip and action

  • Find a copy of a standard property contract for your state and
    study it. It’s important to really take the time understand what
    you are signing and so having a good knowledge and
    comprehension of the contract documentation before it’s
    crunch time will serve you well!

A Special Request!

I’m putting something special together for our 100th episode (which isn’t too far away) and I need your help! Send me an email or a message on Facebook and tell me two things:

  1. What is the best piece of advice you have ever received that relates to property or wealth creation?

  2. What is the thing that you most want to know about or learn more about related to property or wealth creation?

One lucky contributor gets  a pack of 3 property investing books! Entries close 14th August 2014.