One of the common misconceptions about property investing is that you need to have lots of money before you dip your toes into it. As you broaden your knowledge about property market and the cost of investing, you will realise that you actually need not have the huge numbers to get started. There are properties out there that have good potential for growth and rental yield—all under the $350k mark!
In this latest issue of the Everyday Property Investing Magazine, we came up with a list of our Top 10 Budget Hotspots—a tough gig, actually, as there are so many locations out there that fit our criteria. But after some research and analysis, we chose only 10 to feature in this issue.
Meanwhile we have an everyday property investor on the spotlight who shared his experience about buying an investment property in Mackay. Read (and watch) all about it in this packed issue of Everyday Property Investing Magazine.
Property investing enthusiasts who have an iPad can learn so much from the EPI Magazine app. It has property investing features written in an everyday property investor’s lingo—something even a beginner investor can understand! All these knowledge come in a low subscription package.
** Please note the Everyday Property Investing Magazine is no longer available. **