EPI 059 | Mining Towns: Boom or Bust?

EPI 059 | Mining Towns: Boom or Bust?

Things we talk about Why invest in mining towns? – Growth -Cash Flow Types of mining town investments -Mining town -Larger and more established mining town -Larger regional centres with flow on effects Risks of mining town investments -Projects close down or don’t go ahead — meaning that vacanies increase, rental yield drops and values […]

Case Study: Mackay, QLD

Case Study: Mackay, QLD

It’s been quite a while since we last had a location case study, with Chinchilla on the spotlight. This time around, we move from the Surat Basin to a rather big country town near the Bowen Basin—Mackay in Queensland. Profiling Mackay To have a better understanding of an area as a potential investment site, it […]

Queensland Mining Towns: A preview

  If you’ve been researching about mining boom and its effect on property investing, you very well know by now that surge in workers taking advantage of mining projects mean there is more demand for residential properties for these workers. And if you’ve been keeping an eye out on areas where mining projects abound, Queensland […]