The Ultimate Property Hub is the ‘mothership’ of property investing education and resource sites, along with a strong and active community of property investors.

Matt Jones is the founder and host of the largest and most successful property networking group in Australia. He’s authored some great training products, including his fantastic DIY kits on Subdivision, Renovation Kit, Development and Joint Ventures.

Matt has been providing these great products to property investors over the past 12 years and has helped so many people to further their knowledge and skills in investment.  Matt has now brought all of his education and training resources together in one spot, a place where investors can access all of his training resources, deal assessment tools, real life case studies and a great community.  It’s called the Ultimate Property Hub.

What’s Inside?

TheUltimate Property Hub includes:

  • DIY Training Modules
  • Knowledge Base
  • Deal Finder Training
  • Real life case studies
  • Property Investor’s Rolodex
  • 9 to 5 Action Plan
  • Mindset training
  • Interactive facebook broadcasts with Matt Jones
  • Access to the private facebook group

The plan is to continually add further information and resources for members.

What does it Cost?

The Ultimate Property Hub is a monthly membership program of $97/month. There are no contracts, no lock ins and a no risk guarantee.

For Everyday Property Investing listeners, Matt has also arranged a special deal for you!

Check out the Ultimate Property Hub.