If you’re going to understand one term when it comes to property data then median price is probably a good one to start with! We often hear about how property prices are up or property prices are down and it’s the median price that is the indicator referred to in this instance. Basically, the […]
Getting your strategy right – 2. Positive Cashflow
This is the second post in our ‘Getting your strategy right’ section of the Everyday Property Foundations series and I’m sure it will be a popular one. After all, who doesn’t want to own property that actually makes you money? Our post today will look at positive gearing and positive cashflow property, including what […]
Getting your strategy right – 1. Negative Gearing
In our last Everyday Property Foundations series post we talked about knowing your endgame. So I’m going to assume at this point that you’ve considered your overall goal – including the amount of money you’re going to require and the timeframe in which you intend to achieve your goals. In the ‘Getting your strategy right’ […]
Buying property in a SMSF? – 4 reasons why it’s not always the best way to go!
This post is a guest post written by Noel May from Noel May and Associates, Chartered Accountants. You can learn more about Noel at www.noelmay.com.au Buying a property in a Self Managed Super Fund (SMSF) is a smart business strategy which takes advantage of lower tax rates on income and capital gains. However while it’s […]
Getting your head right – 4.Knowing your endgame
Now if you’re a regular listener to our show, Everyday Property Investing, then you will have heard us ‘banging on’ about your goals. What are your goals, are you actions in line with your goals and so on. We mention goals so often for a reasons – you need to have one! Most people start […]
Getting your head right – 3. Understanding risk
Whenever you are contemplating any form of investing, an imperative step in the process is to assess and wherever possible, mitigate risk. Really, there is no investment strategy that is without risk, so risk assessment needs to become a part of your investing process, no matter what investment vehicle you decide upon. There are a […]
Property investing advice and what to believe – How to judge a book or article
I regularly read articles about investing as well as the general state of the economy. It seems that there are as many opinions as experts, and just about any train of thought will have an expert to back it up. With this in mind, it’s worth considering how to sort out the good articles from […]
Today’s Property Market – Buy, Sell or Hold?
Today’s property market seems increasingly confusing and difficult to read. Certainly I feel that I am being bombarded with all sorts of stories in the news and in financial papers; a market bubble, a housing shortage, mortgage crises and so on. With this in mind, I thought I’d reflect on whether today’s market is […]
The biggest mistakes investors make: Mistake number 9 – Forgetting about depreciation
Successful property investing is easier than most people think. The mistakes that prevent most would-be property millionaires from realising their potential are predictable and easy to avoid. In this series of blogs, Den details each of the most common mistakes and how to ensure you don’t make them. Mistake number 9 – Forgetting about depreciation […]
The biggest mistakes investors make: Mistake number 8 – Being uninsured
Successful property investing is easier than most people think. The mistakes that prevent most would-be property millionaires from realising their potential are predictable and easy to avoid. In this series of blogs, Den details each of the most common mistakes and how to ensure you don’t make them. Mistake number 8 – Being uninsured I […]
Home Renovation, Property Investing and Asbestos
Asbestos. Just the word makes people, including me, cringe! But if you’re renovating, like I am right now, you may find yourself up close and personal with the dreaded stuff. So in this article, we’ll cover a few of the basics questions that people may have about asbestos, including: What is asbestos? What are the […]
The biggest mistakes investors make: Mistake number 7 – Failing to Act
Successful property investing is easier than most people think. The mistakes that prevent most would-be property millionaires from realising their potential are predictable and easy to avoid. In this series of blogs, Den details each of the most common mistakes and how to ensure you don’t make them. Mistake number 7 – Failing to act […]